How to get to the seminar?

Where is the MSH Paris Nord?

Travelling to FCLC 2024

We recommend all visitors (especially from within Europe) to travel by train or bus as much as possible to reduce your environmental impact. If you must travel by plane, we encourage you to bundle your conference attendance with other events. Spend some time in Europe with us! From Paris, you can go anywhere, just pick your next destination.

Public transportation

ligne 12 ligne 139 ligne 153 ligne 173 ligne 239

From any train/bus station inside Paris, look for the Line 12. Take it towards Front Populaire. From there, you will have a two minutes walk along the street, going north. It is almost impossible to miss the MSH, the building is rather huge.

Paris has a very extensive urban transport network (bus and metro) that will guide you easily from MSH Paris Nord to your chosen destination. If possible, avoid the busiest times. It can be quite crowded in the morning/evening when everybody transits to work!

You can buy physical tickets at an automatic vending machine, or charge tickets on the RATP mobile app or on the Navigo Easy pass. For more info see the RATP website. Avoid buying tickets one by one if you want to save money!

By Car (Parking)

The MSH Paris Nord has a parking lot for those of you who are coming with your personal car. We still don’t really know how to access it, stay tuned! Contact us for more information.

Inside the MSH

The auditorium and conference room are located on the second floor of the building. The staircase/lift is located behind the reception desk on entering. They are accessible to people with reduced mobility. The whole event takes place on the same floor, all day.